At Boxgrove Primary School, it is our policy that all children wear full school uniform with pride. We believe that by the children wearing our uniform it helps to create a sense of community and belonging towards the school.
Most of the uniform can be purchased from local high street stores, but we do expect the children wear a navy blue jumper or cardigan (branded versions can be purchased from the website below - however branded items of clothing are not madatory). We are also pleased to now be able to offer a number of 'pre-loved' items of uniform for purchase - please do speak to the school office regarding this as stock can vary.
Our uniform expectations are as follows:
- Black school shoes (no colourful heels or laces)
- Black school trousers/skirt or black shorts or light blue summer dresses in warmer weather.
- A white shirt or polo shirt*
- A navy blue school jumper or cardigan
- Tights should be grey, black or navy blue with no patterns on them
- Headscarves worn for religious reasons must be plain navy blue, black or white.
*Boxgrove polo shirts and jumpers are available to purchase from the Casey's Schoolwear, however branded clothing is not essential.
Our P.E. kit expectations are as follows:
- White t-shirt
- Navy or black shorts or jogging bottoms
- Plimsolls or trainers (these must be a change of footwear from their school shoes)
Please ensure all items of clothing have your child's name clearly marked one of the labels, this is to enable us to assist in locating misplaced items for you.
School uniform is available to purchase from Casey's Schoolwear.
Due to health and safety reasons, children are not permitted to wear jewellery to school, except for jewellery of special religious significance. If ears are newly pierced, then small stud/sleeper earrings covered by a plaster are acceptable until the piercing has healed, and the earrings must be removed during PE.
Please do not send your child to school with nail varnish, dyed hair, shaved designs in their hair, Mohican, or Mohawk hair styles.